Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I just found out that our alimony reform bill (nom HB 2559) is in the Speaker’s office for assignment to a committee. From there it should go to House Judiciary. If it does, then it is Rep. Barker, chair of House Judiciary, who makes the decision to hear the bill. If he gives the okay, the bill will be placed on the House Judiciary Committee agenda.

PLEASE email Representative Barker at: or call him at 503-986-1428 to tell him you support reform in Oregon. I cannot stress enough how important this is. Even if you are in another state, the communication may prove helpful as it will educate Oregon legislators about the nationwide alimony reform movement.

This issue is so critical to our society and I urge you to please take a moment to send an email, even if all it says is "I think current alimony laws are unfair and should be modified to provide for predictable guidelines as well as time limits."

Please help. There are many payers out there who, after decades of working so hard to support their families, will never be able to retire. If we can't get alimony laws reformed in Oregon, the last day of the life of thousands of payers will almost certainly be spent working, instead of relaxing with friends and family and enjoying the fruits of their hard work. These folks have done their share and more and do not deserve to be enslaved until death. Hyperbole? Not if you are living it.

1 comment:

  1. Links for draft Bill
